It has always been my passion for helping people that has driven my coaching career. It sounds like something cheesey that you say in a job interview – “I’m a real people person” – but for me that has been the thing that has driven every decision as a coach. How can I help my clients get to their results faster, healthier and with a big smile on their face.
At The Four Bells I wanted to create the space I always wanted to train in, a space for effective and challenging training where we have a reason and purpose behind the exercises and programs we perform, a fostering environment that allows us to challenge and push eachother but also pause for a bad joke or when someone needs to talk, and lastly (and arguably most importantly) a place where a dance-off can break out at any time.
As a Coach, I always look to the “Two R’s” – Results and Reputation – and it’s these attributes that have allowed me to work with Olympians, World Champions, Professional athletes and also your Auntie from down the street. We don’t care where you’re from, all we care about is helping you get to where you need to go, and the passion you have to get there.
Let us be the last gym you ever join.
– Coach Mark
My love for coaching started at a young age, coaching gymnastics. Some would say, coaching is in my blood. Being around like-minded individuals at The Four Bells has been a perfect opportunity for me to continue on my coaching adventure, allowing me to share my wealth of knowledge and experience on all things functional fitness.
Sport and fitness is a large part of my life. Ever since I was young I can remember regularly learning and playing new sports. As time went on, I discovered my passion for functional fitness and nutrition. Developing strength, flexibility, mobility and conditioning through functional fitness has made a significant positive impact on my overall physical and mental health.
Whether your goals are to get stronger, move better, make new fitness friends, or you need an outlet to release stress, I am committed to challenging and motivating you.
I look forward to coaching you and becoming part of your fitness journey!
– Coach Katie